1、制作标签以标签的形式标记出该模型的比例、指北针、项目名称、制作团队或作者。有时也可能会有附加的解说词或关键说明词。需要注意的是,所有出现在模型底盘上的文字或符号都是整个模型中的一部分, 都要考虑到它们的准确性和放置位置所形成的构成美感。
1. Label the scale, compass, project name, production team or author of the model in the form of label. Sometimes there may be additional commentary or key commentary. It should be noted that all the characters or symbols appearing on the chassis of the model are part of the whole model, and their accuracy and aesthetic feeling formed by their placement should be considered.
2、确立底盘的规格及样式底盘的尺寸并非随意确定,需要根据模型主体及环境的总尺寸来进行设计。通常,为了使模型主体从整体中突显出来以及构图美观,模型中的建筑主体及周围环境配景和底盘的边缘都会有一定的间隔, 间隔距离的大小可根据具体模型确定。
2. To establish the specification and style of the chassis, the size of the chassis is not determined at will. It needs to be designed according to the overall size of the main body of the model and the environment. Usually, in order to make the main body of the model stand out from the whole and make the composition beautiful, there will be a certain interval between the main body of the building and the surrounding environment and the edge of the chassis, and the interval distance can be determined according to the specific model.
Sometimes, leave a small space between the main body of the model, the surrounding environment and the edge of the chassis to reflect the integrity of the composition. Sometimes, the space between the main body of the building and the edges of the chassis is very large to show the buildings in the site or to highlight the main body of the building intentionally.

3. Elevation of the chassis in model making, when the elevation indicated by the chassis is usually the structure under + 0.00m ↓, the building and environment model on the chassis is made according to the normal elevation. When the structure below the ground is shown, the corresponding position of the chassis needs to be cut, and the content below the ground and the chassis are fixed and pasted to show the content below the ground.
例如,地基、地下景观、 下沉广场、地下轨道交通、地下建筑等。随意设置底盘海拔高度在实际制作中并不可取,如确实需要时,应该对底盘所表示的标高做出明显标注。
For example, foundation, underground landscape, sunken square, underground rail transit, underground buildings, etc. It is not advisable to set the altitude of the chassis at will in the actual production. If it is really necessary, the elevation indicated by the chassis should be clearly marked.
4. To understand the weight of the main materials, we need to understand and estimate the approximate weight of the materials used in the main building and the surrounding environment, so as to determine what kind of materials and technology to choose.
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