It's necessary for buyers to look at the sand table. Some friends may see that the sand table is very beautiful. This is not right. Check the sand table or check the information that is useful for buying a house. You should learn this before you buy. Otherwise, you may find that if the house you choose is not good or suitable for you, let the editor teach you how to concentrate on the sandbox model. I expect everyone to learn and use it.
沙盘模型总是看起来总是有许多绿色的植物。 假如您不仔细看,您会错误地认为绿色区域许多,但沙盘模型也是如此。 有许多绿色区域,但是每个人都应该留意一个现实,即不能保留沙盘模型中的绿色区域,因为它不排除出售办事处的沙盘模型中存在一些夸大的成分。
Sand table models always look like there are a lot of green plants. If you don't look at it carefully, you may mistakenly think that there are many green areas, but so are sand table models. There are many green areas, but everyone should pay attention to the fact that the green areas in the sand table model can not be retained, because it does not rule out some exaggerated elements in the sand table model of the sales office.

原因天 然是为了招引买家购买。 因而,当您检查沙盒模型时,应该有自己的判断力。 您能够将其与出售人员的介绍和您自己的解释结合起来。 您还能够直接问询对方是否与实践房地产保持一致,并检查对方的答复怎么。 答案,请记住在签订合同时写下这些内容。
The reason is to attract buyers. Therefore, when you examine the sandbox model, you should have your own judgment. You can combine it with the seller's introduction and your own interpretation. You can also directly ask the other party whether it is consistent with the practice of real estate, and check the other party's reply. Please remember to write these down when signing the contract.
沙盘和房地产有比率。 沙盘是房地产的简化版本。 当您检查沙盘时,您应该检查此比率。 对,那就注意发展。 运用模型时,商有必要指出"模型"或"效果图"一词,然后将模型和实践目标的比例写出。 您能够按比例核算实践房子,并核算房间的大小,建筑物的间隔,等。
There is a ratio between sand table and real estate. Sand table is a simplified version of real estate. When you check the sand table, you should check this ratio. Yes, then pay attention to development. When using the model, it is necessary to point out the word "model" or "renderings", and then write out the proportion between the model and the practical goal. You can calculate the house in proportion, and calculate the room size, building spacing, greening rate, etc.
This article is provided by Jinan model company. If you want to know more about sand table, please pay more attention to our website .